Nominated day
This article explains the Nominated Day feature for the Paazl checkout widget. In countries where the Nominated Day functionality is enabled, customers can select their preferred delivery day. This provides flexibility by allowing your customers to choose a specific date for the delivery of their goods.
The actual delivery date will depend on a number of configurations and dates to ensure delivery is both timely and accurate.
Without Nominated day | With Nominated day |
Shipping options settings
At the moment Paazl support activates a requested shipping option on the platform, they will specify the delivery day range.
If you have agreed specific delivery days with the carrier, please inform Paazl support.
Warehouse settings and Delivery matrix configuration
The calculation of the nominated day is influenced by factors from the delivery matrix and warehouse settings.
If the system is configured to use carrier data (via the includeExternalDeliveryDates field), it will display possible delivery dates by carrier based on the warehouse settings. If this field is set to true and the carrier provides the information, the matrix delivery days will be overruled.
If you wish to provide your checkout with a combination of estimated and exact dates (nominated days), it is important that you use the delivery days (min-max) in the delivery matrix. Otherwise, if enabled, only the nominated days will show.
Enabling Nominated Day in Paazl
In order for the Nominated Day feature to be displayed in your checkout widget, it is also important to enable it for specific countries. To do this, please follow the steps below:
If you are using an ecommerce extension such as Magento2 or Salesforce, it is important that you enable it there as well.