This article will describe common errors seen with DPD and actions to troubleshoot these.
Since DPD Meta API consist of many different sub systems at the side of DPD, error messages may be displayed in different languages.
If these actions do not solve your errors please contact support@paazl.com
Error | How to solve? |
Error when performing DPD Meta API request for contract 'contract identifier number': general error |
This error can refer to multiple issues, either at the side of DPD or in the contract configuration. Solution: Please consult Paazl support team for further investigation. |
error_parcel_exceeds_maximum_allowed_weight |
This error is thrown when the total weight entered exceeds 31,5 Kg. Solution: To solve the issue, please change the weight to the right value, or change to another shipping option that is eligible for a shipment with this weight. |
error_incorrect_email_address_domain Can also be communicated as: LabelGeneratorError: Read timed out |
This error is thrown when the entered email address domain is not valid. Solution: Please change the mail address to an valid domain address. |
errorCode\":\"COMMON_7\",\"errorMessage\":\"Ein Objekt enthält ungültige Werte im Feld weight.\" |
This error is thrown when the weight contains an invalid character. Solution: Change the weight input to ensure it contains numeric characters only. It is advised to also check your data mappings to ensure you only send numeric characters to Paazl in the <weight> and <totalWeight> fields via Paazl API. |
error_product_not_allowed_for_receiver |
This error is thrown when the shipping option that is used is not available for the sender/receiver country. Please consult Paazl support to enquire about possible alternatives. |
error_incorrect_phone_number |
This error is thrown when the phone number that is entered contains invalid characters, or does not have the right country code. Solution: Please change the entered phone number to be numeric only and to start with the correct country code (e.g. 0031). |
error_parcel_number_not_available_within_ranges |
This error is thrown when your DPD Parcel range is depleted. Solution: Please contact your DPD contact to request a new parcel range. Paazl does not need to configure the new range, as this is done automatically via the meta API. |
"The 'zipCode' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The actual length is less than the MinLength value.\" |
This error is thrown when the zipcode field is empty. Solution: Please enter the zipcode in the order. It is advised that the mapping is also checked to ensure the zipcode field is always filled. |
This error is thrown when the destination of the order is invalid. Solution: Order can be edited to change the destination of the order, alternatively the shipping option can be changed to an option that supports this destination. |
DPD BU-API: error_invalid_dest_zip: Ungültige Empfänger-Postleitzahl Can also be communicated as: DPD BU-API: error_invalid_zip: Ungültige Postleitzahl |
This error is thrown when the zipcode of the destination is invalid or contains invalid characters. Solution: Please check the zipcode and change to a valid format. |
DPD META-API: Validation.request.body. |
This error is generally thrown when 1 or multiple fields contain invalid data. The specific fields that contain faulty data are always listed in the details of this error. The error details code consist of:
Possible specifications of this error could be:
Solution: To make sure the order can be send to DPD, please adjust the mentioned data fields. It is also advised to check the data mapping from your system to Paazl, to review if you are sending the right information in the right fields. |