Checkout SOAP

In this article let's go through the Checkout SOAP dashboard together and have a better understanding of what insights you can get out of it. 


To open the dashboard, follow the steps below.  


This dashboard focuses on 4 of the key SOAP API methods that are available for integration with your checkout: orderRequest, shippingOptionRequest, updateOrderRequest, and commitOrder Request.

  • An orderRequest reflects the initiation of a Paazl delivery session in the checkout. It submits (a.o.) the content/characteristics of the shopping basket to Paazl.
  • A shippingOptionRequest is submitted to Paazl, with location details such as postal code and country. The response from Paazl includes the available delivery options, pickup locations, delivery dates, timeframes, etc.
  • An updateOrderRequest is used to submit a shopping basket update to Paazl (normally followed by a new shippingOptionRequest)
  • • A commitOrderRequest submits the final delivery order to Paazl.

This dashboard will give you insights into the volumes of these requests over the last 5 months + current MTD, and how these numbers compare against each other. 

Main Menu

Select the variables you want to include (or exclude) in the charts and cards.


Update Notification


The dashboard is updated daily.


Manual & FAQ page

Go to the manual (information-icon) and FAQ page (question-icon) by clicking on the icons on the right top of the dashboard.

Key numbers


Hover over the i-icons on the right top of the cards to see the definitions of the requests and what they reflect.





Charts – Conversion Rate

Offers the number of commitOrderRequests vs. orderRequests over time. The comparison represents a Conversion Rate, as it reflects the conversion of a delivery session into actual delivery order. 


Click on the +(plus)/-(minus) buttons to drill down/drill up time levels.   


Now it's on a monthly level.


Hover over the different areas to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • The number of orderRequests or commitOrderRequests


Hover over the line to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • Conversion rate (commitOrder/order)


The donut chart on the right shows the conversion rate over the last 5 months + current MTD.


Charts – shippingOption Rate

Offers the number of shippingOptionRequests vs. orderRequests. The comparison represents a shippingOption Rate, as it reflects the average number of requests for delivery options per delivery session.  

An additional shippingOptionRequest is usually triggered by a change in the shopping basket or a change of delivery location details.


Click on the +(plus)/-(minus) buttons to drill down/drill up time levels.   


Now it's on a quarterly level.


Hover over the different areas to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • The number of orderRequests or shippingOptionRequests


Hover over the line to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • shippingOption Rate (the average number of shippingOptionRequests per orderRequest)


The bar charts on the right show the total number of shippingOptionRequests and orderRequests as well as the shippingOption Rate.


Charts – updateOrder Rate

Offers the number of updateOrderRequests vs. orderRequests. The comparison represents a updateOrder Rate, as it reflects the average number of updated orderRequests per delivery session.


Click on the +(plus)/-(minus) buttons to drill down/drill up time levels.   


Now it's on a monthly level.



Hover over the different areas to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • The number of orderRequests or updateOrderRequests


Hover over the line to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • updateOrder Rate (the average number of updateOrderRequests per orderRequest) 


The bar charts on the right show the total number of updateOrderRequests and orderRequests as well as the updateOrder Rate. 


Chart – Traffic Per Request Over Time

Breaks down the total number of requests over years, quarters, months, and days.


Click on the +(plus)/-(minus) buttons to drill down/drill up time levels.   

Now it's on a daily level.


Hover over the bars to see:

  • Day/Month/Quarter/year (based on the date level you choose)
  • The type of request
  • The number of requests


Chart – Traffic Per Request

Breaks down the total number of requests over the selected period.


Hover over the pie to see the percentage and volume of different requests.



Use the pie chart as a filter for the bar chart on the left.


You can also highlight the requests by clicking on the legends.


Unfilter or unhighlight by clicking on the same elements again.






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