Carrier Performance


In this article let's go through the Carrier Performance dashboard together and have a better understanding of what insights you can get out of it.


To open the dashboard, follow the steps below.

This dashboard offers insights into the different stages and durations from shipment creation to delivery, over the last six (full) months. 



This dashboard is only about outbound shipments.

Main Menu

Select the variables you want to include (or exclude) in the charts and tables.

Key numbers

Here you can find the total numbers (over the last six months) of:

  • ORDERS CREATED: # orders stored/created in your Paazl (sub)account(s)
  • SHIPMENTS CREATED: # of labels that were printed. 1 order can have multiple labels
  • SHIPMENTS SCANNED: # of shipments scanned by the carrier(s)
  • SHIPMENTS IN TRANSIT: # of shipments on their way for delivery
  • SHIPMENTS DELIVERED: # of shipments delivered (e.g. @home, @neighbours, @ pickup point)

Charts – Shipment details from created to delivered

In these three charts, you find an overview of the shipments created in a certain period of time and what stages(NOT SCANNED, IN TRANSIT, DELIVERED, or DELETED)

they were at since the last refresh, and for delivered shipments, the duration time from the first carrier scan to delivery.

Pie Chart - % of shipments delivered

Based on the total # of shipments created. Other categories are 'not scanned', 'in transit', and 'deleted'


The pie chart above shows you all shipments created in the selected period of time, there are 86.1% of the shipments are delivered,
4.4% are still in transit and 9.5% are even not scanned yet.


Hover over the pie to see the percentage and total shipments of other categories.

Bar Chart - Shipments Status per month

This chart breaks down the number of delivered, in transit, not scanned, and deleted shipments per month, over the selected period of time.

Moreover, this is also the place to see the % of shipments created in previous months that are still in transit or not scanned yet based on the last refresh.


Hover over the bar to see the percentage and total shipments.

The bar chart above shows you all shipments created in June, there are 95.8% of the shipments are delivered,
1.7% are still in transit and 2.4% are not even scanned yet.


To deep dive into the undelivered shipments created in the previous months, you can download the Table-Undelivered Shipment Details

for further analysis which contains barcodes, order reference, carrier, etc details.


Or simply click on a certain part of the bar to download only those shipments' details.

As an example above, click on the yellow part of the June Bar to download the shipments created in June
while still in transit since last refresh.


Above is an example of a downloaded Excel file.

Bar Chart - Duration From scanned to delivered

This bar chart on the right side presents the distribution of duration (hours) between shipments scanned and delivered. Here you can get

a quick overview of how long it usually takes for a carrier to deliver a package.


Click on the sorting button to change the sequence.



Hover over the bar to see the percentage and total shipments.

The example above shows us most of the shipments(51.9% of total) shipping from the Netherlands to Germany have been delivered within 24 to 48 hours
after scanned. 7.6% of shipments took more than 120 hours (5 days) to be delivered by carrier.

Charts – HitRate Of Nominated Date Per Carrier

HitRate of Nominated Date for the past 6 months.

In these charts you find an analysis of the shipments that have a Nominated Date, and whether they actually got delivered on this Nominated Day.


From the drop-down menu, you can access our brand new charts: "Hit rate of nominated date per carrier".

Here you can view each carrier's hit rate (success rate) for Nominated Date deliveries over a period of several months, and the overview of the proportions of on-time/not on-time nominated date shipments over the last six months.


Line Chart - HitRate of Nominated Date Per Carrier Over Time

The line chart shows the HitRate (the percentage of the nominated shipments delivered on the extract date requested compared with the total nominated shipments.) of Nominated Date shipments per carrier over time.

Here you can compare the HitRate in two dimensions:
1. vertical (timeline): look at the HitRates of a certain carrier over time. To easily keep track of its performance to see if there are going up
with the performance or hard drops during a certain period so that we can then further look into the problems.
2. horizontal (carriers): compare the HitRate of chosen carriers, who are doing a better job during the selected period.


The example above shows before May 2023, the red carrier was doing better than the yellow carrier, and after that, the hit rate of the yellow carrier was going up
and higher than the red carrier. In general, the two carriers' Nominated Date hit rate was going up.
May be worth finding out the reason for the hard drop-down of the red carrier in Jun-2023 and why the yellow carrier's hit rate was so low in April.


Hover over certain parts of the line to see more details per carrier per month.

Bar Chart - HitRate of Nominated Date Shipments Over Time

The bar chart shows the number and percentage of Nominated Date shipments delivered on that Nominated Date.

Here you can view the proportions of not/on time of all Nominated Date shipments over time in a comprehensive view.
As the bar chart shows above, there are 59% of the Nominated Date shipments are delivered not on time in July, which
are higher than the other month. You can do some further analysis by downloading the Table-Not On Time-Nominated Date Shipments.


Hover over certain parts of the bar to see more details per category.

For further analysis/deep dive download the Table-Not On Time-Nominated Date Shipments. 


Below is an example of the downloaded Excel file.

Chart – Median Duration Created -> Scanned (DAY)

The line chart shows the median durations of the shipments from created to the first scan by a certain shipping option over the selected period of time.


The median is the middle number in a sorted, ascending, or descending, list of numbers and can be more descriptive of that data set than the average.

The example above shows that from April through Sep-2023, it typically took less than half a day for both green and orange carriers to scan a package after
it was created. However, in terms of this duration (creation to pickup), the green carriers have been more consistent than the orange carriers over the six
months. In May, packages picked up by orange carriers sometimes waited more than half a day, but in June it was only about 0.3 days.


Hover over the points to see more details per month.


Chart - Median Duration Scanned -> Delivered (DAY)

This line chart shows the carriers' median duration per month, here you can compare the shipping duration over different carriers and also how the duration changed over time for a certain carrier.

The example above shows that from April through September 2023, the green carrier's shipping duration was much shorter than the orange carrier's.
It took less than one day(0.7day) for the green carrier to deliver parcels, however, took the orange carrier at least 3 days, in June,even took
about 7 days to get the shipments delivered.


You can use the time axis drill-down/drill-up buttons to break down the carrier duration into weeks or days for a detailed view of the BFW or CMY these specific time periods to compare the carrier's performance as well as their stability.


Hover over the points to see more details per carrier per month.





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