Configuring users
Configuring users
This article explains how to add and remove users to and from your Paazl web app account, as well as how to edit their details. About user roles explains what permissions each role has.
To be able to use Paazl user management, you have to request it from Paazl Customer Support.
Creating a user
To create a user, Follow the steps below.
Editing a user's details
To edit a user's details, follow the steps below.
After creating a user, the user's username cannot be changed. To change a username, you have to delete the user concerned and create a new one.
When only one user has the "Shop Owner" role in your webshop, that user cannot be assigned a different role because at least one user has to be able to access the web app's settings.
Deleting a user
To edit a user's details, follow the steps below.
A webshop's Paazl web app account must always have at least one person with the "Shop Owner" role. If you have several shop owners, one shop owner can delete another shop owner, but there must always be one left over. The only way to delete the last shop owner is to delete the whole web app account.
Power users, normal users and limited users can only be deleted by a shop owner.