This article contains the technical specifications of Paazl's SOAP API updateStores call.
Use this call to update the information on Click & Collect store locations in your Paazl web app account.
You have to assign values to all the elements in the request, not just the ones you want to change.
Element specifications
Element | Type | Required? | Description |
webshop | long | Yes |
The Webshop ID of your main webshop. You will find this in the Paazl UI under |
targetWebshop | long | No |
If you use multiple webshops, this is the webshop ID of a child webshop (.a.k.a. Paazl sub-account). You will find it in the Paazl web app account of the child webshop concerned under .The hash you create using the webshop ID of your parent webshop (a.k.a. main account) will give you access to its child webshops as well. |
store | complex element | Yes |
Contains details of the store you want to update |
code | String | Yes |
The unique code that you assigned to the store that you are updating |
name | String | Yes |
The name of the store you are creating |
address | complex element | Yes |
Contains the address details of a store |
street | String | Yes |
The street in which a store is located |
housenumber | String | Yes |
The house number of a store location |
addition | String | No |
The house number extension of a store location |
additionalAddressLine | String | No |
Use this if you need to add additional information about a store's location |
postcode | String | Yes |
The postal code of a store location |
city | String | Yes |
The city in which a store is located |
province | String | No |
The province in which a store is located Note This is mandatory for FedEx US, Mexico and Canada shipments (if EEI applies). |
country | String | Yes |
The ISO 3166-2 code for the country in which a store is located. The default value is "NL" |
coordinates | complex element | Yes |
The geographical coordinates of a store location |
latitude | decimal | Yes |
The geographical latitude of a store location |
longitude | decimal | Yes |
The geographical longitude of a store location |
businessHours | complex element | No |
Contains details of a stores opening times Note Although this is not required, we highly recommend that you specify a store's opening times so that they can be displayed to your customers. |
day | enumeration | No |
Days on which a store is open. Possible values are: "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY" Note The day names must be all upper case |
from | time | No |
Time of day at which a store opens Format: "00:00:00" |
until | time | No |
Time of day at which a store closes Format: "00:00:00" |
hash | String | Yes |
An SHA-1 encrypted authentication code. The string you encrypt is a concatenation of the following substrings: <webshop ID> + <integration password> + <store code> Example Webshop ID: "123" Integration password: "myPassword" Store code: "Store12" String to encrypt: "123myPasswordStore12" |
Sample request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<mat:name>A'dam Mc Tosch 1</mat:name>
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<mat:province>Noord Holland</mat:province>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<mat:name>A'dam Mc Tosch 2</mat:name>
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<mat:province>Noord Holland</mat:province>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Element specifications
Element | Type | Description |
code | String |
The unique codes that you assigned to the stores that you updated |
Sample response
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<createStoresResponse xmlns="http://www.paazl.com/schemas/matrix">