
This article contains the technical specifications of Paazl's SOAP API addExistingShipment call.

Use this request to send a shipping order to Paazl so that it can monitor and update your webshop with its delivery status. The request contains a list of all shipments along with their tracking, dispatch and reference numbers. It also contains lists of each shipment's parcels and their corresponding barcodes.

Keep in mind that a single shipment is correlated with a single reference in your webshop. You can add multiple parcels to the shipment.


  • Before sending an addExistingShipment request, you first have to make sure the order concerned has been committed to the Paazl database. You can do this using the commitOrder request or you can create the order manually in your Paazl web app account.
  • For performance reasons, the number of shipments you can include in a request is limited to 20
  • For performance reasons, the number of parcels you can include in a shipment is limited to 15
  • The tracking number and and dispatch number of a shipment are optional in principle, but they may be required by a particular carrier


Element specifications

Element Type Required? Description
hash String(255) Yes

An SHA-1 encrypted authentication code. The string you encrypt is a concatenation of the following substrings:

<webshop ID> + <integration password> + <current date: YYYYMMDD>

You will find the webshop ID and integration password in the Paazl UI under Settings > My Account


Webshop ID: "123"

Integration password: "myPassword"

Date: "18 April 2018"

String to encrypt: "123myPassword20180418"

webshop long(10) Yes

The Webshop ID of your main webshop. You will find this in the Paazl UI under Settings > My Account

targetWebshop long(10) No

If you use multiple webshops, this is the webshop ID of a child webshop (.a.k.a. Paazl sub-account). You will find it in the Paazl web app account of the child webshop concerned under Settings > My Account.

The hash you create using the webshop ID of your parent webshop (a.k.a. main account) will give you access to its child webshops as well.

reference String(255) Yes

Your webshop's reference code for the shipping order concerned

trackingNumber String(255) Conditional

The Paazl-specific tracking number of a shipping order. It is optional in principle, but may be required by a carrier


The Paazl tracking number may differ from the carrier tracking number.

dispatchNumber String(255) Conditional

The Paazl-specific dispatch number of a shipping order. It is optional in principle, but may be required by a carrier


The Paazl dispatch number may differ from the carrier dispatch number

barcode String(255) Yes

The barcode that a carrier assigns to a shipping order.


Paazl does not validate the contents of this element.

trackingUrl anyURI No

The tracking URL provided by the carrier

Sample request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""


Element specifications

Element Type Description
code String(10)

The unique code of the API call result

message String(255)

A description of the result. If the result is an error, refer to SOAP API status and error codes for an explanation of the error message and what actions you can take.

Sample response

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<addExistingShipmentResponse xmlns="">

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