Viewing orders

This article explains where to find your orders so that you can view their status. It also explains the various options available on the "Order overview" page of the Paazl web app.

The "Order overview" page is the default page that you see when you first log in. It consists of three main areas:

  • the search bar, which allows you to search and filter the orders you see
  • the order list, which is where you see your orders
  • the tool bar, which enables you to perform a number of actions, including exporting your order list and generating labels


Search bar

The search bar works like a filter. You set the various options to gradually narrow down the orders in the order list until you find the ones you want.


Order list

Use the order list to select the orders you want. Use the toolbar functions to perform actions on all selected orders at once. To edit orders, click the order's reference code. Clicking an order's barcode—if a link is available—will also take you to the track & trace site of the carrier concerned.


Tool bar

The tool bar provides you with various actions you can perform on (groups of) orders, such as printing labels, deleting or exporting orders.


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