Using Paazl checkout widget methods
This article lists the widget methods you can use to tell the Paazl checkout widget to reload shipping options or pickup points based on the arguments you pass.
Method | What it does |
PaazlCheckout.setConsigneeCountryCode("GB"); | Loads shipping options based on ISO 3166-2 code for the customer's country. See consigneeCountryCode in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setConsignorCountryCode("NL"); | Loads shipping options based on ISO 3166-2 code for the sender's country. See consignorCountryCode in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setConsigneePostalCode("1019HD"); | Loads shipping options based on the customer's postal code. See consigneePostalCode in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setConsignorPostalCode("1091DH"); | Loads delivery dates from carriers when they offer this service. See consignorPostalCode in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setNumberOfProcessingDays(3); | Loads delivery dates calculated by Paazl that include the number of days required to get a shipment ready for pickup in your warehouse. See numberOfProcessingDays in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setTags(["CASH_ON_DELIVERY"]); | Loads shipping options that meet the filter requirement. See tags in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setDeliveryDateRange("2018-07-12", "2018-07-13"); | Loads shipping options within a given date range. |
PaazlCheckout.setShippingOptionsLimit(99); | Loads a limited number of shipping options for home delivery. See shippingOptionsLimit in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setPickupPointsLimit(99); | Loads a limited number of shipping options for pick-up locations. See pickupLocationsLimit in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setPickupPointsPageLimit(2); | Tells the Paazl widget to display no more than a certain number of shipping options for pick-up locations. See pickupPointsPageLimit in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setSortingModel({ orderBy: "CARRIER", distributor: "DHL" }); |
Returns shipping options sorted by a specific attribute. See sortingModel in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |
PaazlCheckout.setLanguage("nld"); | Sets the language in which the widget is displayed as well as the localized shipping option names you have configured in your web app account (language in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. | ). See
PaazlCheckout.setShipmentParameters({ totalWeight: 3.14, totalVolume: 100, totalPrice: 14.77, numberOfGoods: 2, startMatrix: "AA" }); |
Loads shipping options based on a delivery matrix determined by an order's characteristics, starting from a specific delivery matrix. See shipmentParameters in Initializing the Paazl checkout widget. |