Introduction to Paazl checkout integration
This article gives a high-level overview of the options available for integrating Paazl checkout functionality into your webshop. Paazl offers you a simple way to integrate its checkout functionality into your webshop's checkout page: the Paazl checkout widget. The widget displays a range of delivery options that your customers can choose from on checkout. Paazl offers you great flexibility in deciding exactly which shipping options you want to display in the widget. See About delivery matrices for more information on configuring shipping options for your webshop. If for some reason you cannot integrate the widget—your IT landscape is too complex for example —you always have Paazl's REST API at your disposal.
The Paazl checkout widget
The Paazl checkout widget is ideal for webshops that want a quick and easy way of presenting their customers with greater delivery choice to help increase conversion. All you have to do is add a few lines of code to your checkout page and you're up and running. The widget is also a great solution for webshops (and departments in larger companies) that don't have the resources for large-scale integrations.
The widget provides you with a stylish way of offering your customers more delivery choice (same day, nominated day, delivery time ranges), real-time delivery estimates, and order growth through the use of free-shipping thresholds. You can also customize it to suit your webshop's branding.
What's more, Paazl's checkout widget is compliant with the WAI ARIA 1.1 accessibility standard for internet applications.
See About the Paazl checkout widget for more information on what the widget does, and an overview of the steps involved in integrating it. Detailed integration information is provided in Integrating the Paazl checkout widget step by step.
The REST API is typically used by webshops that have a compIex IT landscape that makes it impractical to implement the widget. They have more entangled organizational structures (often as a result of multiple acquisitions), and may have a significant amount of legacy code. In addition, they may require maximum control over every element of their web design.
See About the Paazl REST API for an overview of the steps involved in integrating with Paazl's REST API with your webshop's checkout page.
Authentication and authorization
Paazl offers highly secure authentication based on OAuth 2.0. Your webshop's back-end requests a temporary API access token that it passes to your customer's browser for the duration of the checkout session. At no time do customers get to see your private API key.
See Authentication and authorization for a more detailed explanation of how Paazl security works and how to generate API keys.